Back in 2014, a man named Decan Andersen watched in horror as a baby squirrel tumbled from a tree near his Netherlands home and into the garden. Decan rushed over to see if it was okay after it failed to scurry away and saw that the poor baby had sustained a terrible gash.

Trying to do the responsible thing, he waited around to see if the mother squirrel would come back. She did, but heartbreakingly, she left without him. Decan scooped the baby up and brought him inside, at which point he called wildlife services to see what he should do. But then the weirdest thing happened. His cat’s instincts kicked in and she went over to comfort the little one!

Well, that answered that question! It looked like Decan was about to be in charge of rehabilitation with his kitty helping out. That meant they had to name him, so they went with Tintin since the kids loved watching Tintin movies. After a while, they realized that Tintin was part of the family and wouldn’t be going back out into the world. His lack of fear toward animals he should have seen as predatory meant that he was now a house pet.

Since then, Tintin has become part of the fam! He has zero fear of their other pets and he loves to go outside for adventures (on a leash, of course). If this little rescue story made you smile, be sure to share it with your friends! (Until then, bask in the glory of these photos of Tintin with the cat).

