URGENT: They Confiscated This Family Dog And Are Going To Kill It

This is a story that makes me very sad to write, but one I feel I have to write in order to help save a very special dog’s life. Unfortunately, this is a story that happens all too often where Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) is allowed. Family dog Hank has been seized by the police in Belfast, Ireland for the reason of “looking like a pit bull,” a breed that is banned in Belfast. If he is deemed to be a pit bull, he will be condemned to death. Making a horrible situation even worse, Hank’s humans aren’t even allowed to visit him during this heart wrenching process. You can read the story of how Hank fell into the hands of police in the below Facebook post.

We’re so happy that Hank’s humans, Joanne Meadows and Leonard Collins, aren’t letting this happen without a fight. Joanne and Leonard have set up Facebook Page Save Hank to tell his story, a Change.org Petition to raise awareness of Hank and other dogs like him that are facing death due to BSL, and a JustGiving.com Crowdfunding Page to help pay for the £15,000 in legal fees. You may have even seen #SaveHank trending on Facebook and Twitter – the trending topic is about this story.


You can tell by all of the cute photos and videos on the Save Hank Facebook page that he is a sweet, sweet boy that deserves nothing but the best. No matter what you’re able to give.. whether it’s sharing Hank’s story, signing the petition, or donating to Hank’s legal fees, do what you can to help save this precious dog’s life and spread the message that BSL has been created out of ignorance.


We are so happy to announce that Hank has been saved!! Hank’s humans posted the following update to Facebook yesterday:

Hank’s human Leonard also started a new Change.org Petition to help end BSL in Northern Ireland. In an update to his original petition, he said:

“Thank you all. Belfast City Council has recommended that Hank be placed on the exemption list meaning that he will be returned to us next week!!

This case has raised the inherent flaws in Breed Specific Legislation and propelled us all along the road to change. Please sign the petition below to call for and to BSL in Northern Ireland. We have been working with several NI politicians and we believe that a change in the law is now possible. If we can change the legislation in NI then the rest of the UK may follow.”

Here’s how you can access and sign the new petition to support an end to BSL in Northern Ireland: