Have You Ever Seen A Rottweiler Eating With Human Hands?

Nothing abnormal here. Just a Rottweiler eating some Sunday morning cereal. This classic visual trick is something that I’ve seen periodically every since I was a kid – I believe the first time I ever saw something like this was on Sesame Street. As long ago as that was, I still always get a kick out of it. For those that aren’t familiar with this, basically, a person gets under or behind the dog and puts a sweatshirt over the pooch. Once the dog is comfortable and relaxed, the human helper carefully inserts his arms through the sleeves of teh sweatshirt and voila! Pure entertainment. Of course, dogs are always obliged to participate in any activity the involves food, and this is no exception.

I hope you enjoy this Rottweiler eating with human hands as much as I did!  Enjoy!